Matt Bruce

Professor Matthew Bruce

Matt Bruce

School: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences

Department: Forensic Psychology

Dr. Bruce graduated in 2005 from University College London as a Clinical Psychologist (D.Clin.Psy.) and has since acquired a specialization in dangerousness and severe personality disorder across various security settings and providers in the UK and US.  In the UK he was clinical lead for a pilot program funded by the Department of Health and Ministry of Justice, to treat high-risk of high-harm offenders with severe personality disorders. Dr. Bruce is also an honorary faculty member at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at Kings College London and has published peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on the subject of forensic psychology. In the US, he has worked as a Clinical Psychologist at Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital, Department of Behavioral Health, Washington D.C. Dr. Bruce has acted as an expert witness on a wide range of civil, forensic and family matters.